5 Steps For Learning Grammar, Learning Grammar in Just Ten Minutes a Day.


Hello Friends,

     I am a 24-year-old Company Engineer, and I have collage degrees in Electrical Engineering. I was taught almost no grammar in school and not enough in Collage life too.

     In our simple life we always thinking about learning English, but due to some reasons we can't. Your and my story is familiar in English subject. But I use many ways to understand the simple ways to learn English and how to speak English fluently. So I want to tell you all this possible simple ways to needful learn English fast.

Step 1. Learn The part of Speech.

     Every single word can be categorized into one of the eight word of groups or part of speech.

If we understand the part of speech, he could have benefited from his/her Boss.
In English way, the part of speech is the first step towards learning grammar.

The Eight Parts of Speech-
This are the parts which are useful to understand any of the sentences of English perfectly to front of anyone easily.

Step 2. Contemplate the Awesomeness of Sentences.

     Its very great to understand the all words which are use in our English Language,but it get in awesome way when we present and understand the put words together. This is why the second step gives more contribution in Learning Grammar.

Sentences are nice and beautiful package of words that come together to express one complete thought. All complete sentences contain a Subject(Someone or Something) and a Verb(an action or a state of being). Basically, all the sentences work like this,
5 Steps For Learning Grammar
Sentence making chart

Step 3. Learn Phrases.

     Now things are going to start getting fun! Learn the phrases part and familiarize yourself with phrases. If you are a beginner, focus only on verb phrases and prepositional phrases now.

there are many kinds of phrases. The words are act as a individual words, but they are coming together to perform the job of one part of speech.

Step 4. Learn Clauses.

     Clauses are another main part which are useful in learning Grammar. :earning grammar requires that you study them next! All the clauses are containing a Subject and a Verb.

There are two parts of Clauses,
Independent Clauses
Dependent Clauses
Those that can't stand alone function as single part of speech- just like phrases!
5 Steps For Learning Grammar
Clause Chart

Step 5. Use Sentence Diagrams.
     Sentence diagramming is a great way to help you learn grammar and retain everything that you learn for yours to come. This is great way to learn English Grammar in easy way. If we done this step by step then it makes simple for you to understand.
You'll start with sentence diagrams like this,
5 Steps For Learning Grammar
Sentence Diagram

Step 6. Optional Step.

     You can learn grammar and sentence making by going through the information on this page. This page provides you the basic tools for to learn English in easy way and grow your grammatical skill for doing all the above steps which are available in links. The links are provided you to understand the concepts in briefly.

Use this page to learn Grammar and all about English language in most simple ways.

This is like my dream job to tell you about English. In this page I can cover all the topics which are helpful in Learning English.



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